Getting Started: Part 3 - Drill Hole Navigation

Getting Started: Part 3 - Drill Hole Navigation

This page explains the features and interface of the Platform for drill holes, including the following areas:

Processing Tab

Once core images have been uploaded to the Platform with any associated metadata (e.g. core loss), the imagery will run through the image processing pipeline to apply image cropping and box and row detection. The results of this pipeline will appear in the first tab, Processing.

In the Processing tab view you have option to delete the image, search through results, view metadata files uploaded, and edit metadata on each individual image. The box numbers and depths can be manually updated as required upon selecting the green pen in the top left corner of each image. Any changes to the image data will require Image Preparation to be re-run to update changes. The notification box will prompt you and the orange action dialogue box will become available.

The Processing tab also allows the user to Download box imagery or internally delete or upload Metadata (CSVs).

Depth Registration Tab

The next tab available is the Depth Registration tab. This view will display the results of the Depth Registration Process that assigns depths along every pixel of the row images. This takes into account image depths and core loss the primary inputs, and additionally reads hand written depths on the core and accounts for the fact that broken rock will spread out along the row.

Depth Registration errors or warnings are displayed in the the notification view.

A key aspect of the processing work flow is the Depth Health Check that informs the user of any detected depth discrepancies compared to the depth information provided. This aims to detect human error that is likely to carry through to later models. These errors can be viewed and fixed via hyperlinks to the applicable imagery in the Notification tab.

Once all errors have been reviewed and either fixed or accepted (crossed out), Depth Health Check Approval can be selected to proceed with downstream models (e.g. RQD). Again, any changes will need the Depth Registration pipeline to re-run which will automatically trigger Image Preparation updates too. The Depth Registration tab icon will change to green once all changes are accepted.

Also within the Depth Registration tab, the user will be able to use the Predictions pane to toggle on model predictions such as coherent or incoherent rock.

Depth marks, core loss and prediction compaction of loose material can be toggled at the top right of the image viewing pane.

The Deep Zoom window (imagery viewing window) allows the user to scroll down the drill hole to view data at a certain depth. The Depth search icon also allows for a specific depth to be entered. The Deep Zoom function can be viewed at different zoom scales or to view in full screen mode as shown below (predictions applied).

The Depth Registration tab also allows the user to Download artefacts or row imagery with numerous overlay options as seen below.

Results Tab

The final tab in the Platform sequence is the Results Tab. Here, the user can view all models applied to the drill hole in the Deep Zoom viewer. These can be viewed as coloured masks over the core or strips below the core according to the model legend.

If applicable, model outputs can also be viewed in the Charts sub-tab. This tab displays model results and ground truth, site logged data (if RQD metadata files are uploaded). Charts can be displayed in platform default or ground truth logged intervals.

All results generated can be downloaded as CSVs by downloading the Artefacts from the downloads bar.