Expert in the Loop - Square Classifications

Expert in the Loop - Square Classifications

This document explains the features and interface of the Expert in the Loop (EitL) feature.

Expert in the Loop is a feature that allows editing of square classification results (ie custom lithology, vein detection models). The follows steps are covered:

Preparation / Requirements

Prior to editing a square classification model, IP, DR (with approval) and the square classification run must already be run in the Platform on the applicable drillhole. To enter EitL, navigate to the Results tab and toggle on the relevant Square Classification Model. The example below shows a custom Lithology model. Select the edit button on the legend to begin manually modifying the results.

NB: If Edit button is greyed out/not selectable, re-run that particular model or Approve Depth Registration.

Editing Predictions

In editing mode, (A) select the class from the side menu which you’d like to apply to a square. Next, (B) select the square(s) on the image which you want to reassign to the selected class, the selection will become diagonally dashed, and finally, (C) publish to finalise changes. This will send you back to the Results tab view. The square classification model will automatically re-run to update any changes.

Record of edits

Back at the Results tab, the user is able to download Square classification artefacts on the dropdown menu (via email link) which allows you to track any updates that have been made. The CSV ProjectID_HoleID_model_square displays the following model updates highlighted:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many times can I edit a square?
A: Edits can be changed as many times as needed prior to publishing the edits however, even once edits have been published you can re-edit these squares and publish again.

Q: How do I roll-back my edits to the original predictions?
A: You will need to lodge a Datarock Help ticket for Datarock to roll-back any squares to a previous predictions/edits or a previous model version.

Q: Can I edit the smoothed intervals?
A: No, the current version of EitL can only edit individual squares. The smoothed intervals do change to reflect these edits once the relevant model has been re-run.

Q: Can I edit squares before the hole has been finished drilling?
A: Yes, squares can be edited once depth registration has been approved and a square classification model has been predicted over those approved metres. You can not edit squares if depth registration has not been approved and/or the square classification model has not been run.

Q: Will my edits be impacted by changing the image metadata or by adding core loss files after depth registration has been approved and the models run?
A: If the depths change throughout a zone of a hole where edits have been made then the square classification model will require being re-run and thus, edits will no longer match the relevant square.

Q: Will my edits be pushed to S3 like the model predictions?
A: Yes, any edits to the square classification model predictions will be pushed to S3 as the model will re-run when you select publish for your edits.


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