Uploading Images

Uploading Images

This page provides a guide on uploading images to the Datarock Platform, including warnings and errors that may occur during the uploading process. The follow steps are covered:

Step 1 & 2 - Navigate to upload page

  1. Open Drill holes view by selecting your project (yellow)

  2. Select Upload dropdown and click Upload Image (red)

Step 3 - Upload Images

Multiple holes can be added at once however to best handle any potential errors, it’s easier to upload and address one hole at a time.

3.1 The yellow box indicates images issued by the client with the correct naming convention for Datarock platform.

3.2 Drag 'n' drop your images into the red box zone or click text box to navigate to your images on your server

Step 4 - Process Images

Imagery QA - Warnings

4.1 Warnings are highlighted on the platform as yellow but do not stop you from uploading the images as they are. This example shows a yellow warning and a blue/green Process Images button to proceed with the upload once warnings have been reviewed.

This warning is due to the first tray not being Tray number 1 (red box). If trays 1-2 had already been uploaded, you can select Process Images to start the Image Preparation model.

4.2 Every time you select the Upload & Process Images button the Image Preparation model will run for that/those whole hole/s and not just the images you have recently uploaded. Any models post-Image Preparation will then also need re-running. 

Imagery QA - Errors

4.3 Errors are highlighted on the platform as red and stop you from uploading the images. This example shows the Upload & Process Images button as greyed out as you cannot proceed until errors have been fixed.

This error is due to there not being a from and to depth supplied (only from depth). there is also a warning which explains that the platform considers the from depth as being the to depth.

To address this error, remove the image by clicking the bin icon to the right in yellow, update the from/to depths, and re-upload the image. If there are no further errors, you can Process Images.

4.4 Common errors are due to the naming convention required for Datarock Platform recognition: HOLEID_Tray#_FromDepth_ToDepth.jpg. If this convention is not followed, or missing sections, an error will appear that must be corrected before Uploading is allowed. Files must also be in JPG format.

Datarock naming convention


Datarock naming convention


HOLEID_ Tray#_ FromDepth_ ToDepth.jpg




Tray number_

Starting at 1, increasing by 1.





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