Uploading CSV Data

Uploading CSV Data

This page provides a guide on uploading tabulated data (CSVs) to the Datarock Platform, including warnings and errors that may occur during the uploading process. The follow steps are covered:

Step 1 & 2 - Navigate to upload page

  1. Open Drill holes view by selecting your project (yellow)

  2. Select Upload dropdown and click Upload CSV (red)

Step 3 - Upload Data

CSVs can be added to Datarock before the images for that relevant hole have been uploaded but you won’t see the CSVs until images are on the platform. Images are what trigger a new hole ID to appear in the Drill holes list. File types and headers are listed below.

3.1 The yellow box indicates CSV files issued by the client with the correct naming convention for Datarock platform (if not already being automatically brought into the platform)

3.2 Drag 'n' drop your CSV files into the red box zone or click text box to navigate to your CSV files on your server

Data QA - Errors

3.3. Errors are highlighted in red and stop you from uploading CSV files with errors. This example shows that you can’t press the Upload button, which is greyed out.

This error is due to there being an incorrect column header for the file_id column.

To address this error, you would remove the CSV by clicking the bin icon to the right in yellow, update the column header in the original file, and re-upload the CSV. If there are no further errors, you can Upload.

3.4 Common errors are due to the file naming convention required for Datarock Platform recognition, make sure the file is named correctly. Do not change the header rows of each file.

Datarock naming convention


Common errors


Core loss file

CL past EOH depth, CL doesn’t match from file to box, CL spread over multiple trays, more CL than the interval.


Start and end depth file

Incorrect start and end depth, daughter holes may not be accurate.


RQD sample file

Incorrect start and end depths, RQD may be incomplete for entire hole.

File Formats

Hole Depth File

File name: HoleID_depth.csv

Example File:

File Header


File Header



always include * in this column


Start of hole (m)


End of hole (m)

Core Loss File

File name: HoleID_core_loss.csv

Example File:

File Header


File Header



Start depth of core loss interval (m)


End depth of core loss interval (m)


Total core loss (m)


Geotechnical and Geology Products

Each of the geoproducts have their own sample file formats that allow custom intervals to be uploaded.

See the “User Data” section in each of the Product Descriptions pages for specific requirements.



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