Uploading CSV Data (including example files)
This document provides a guide on uploading tabulated data (CSVs) to Datarock, including warnings and errors that may occur during the uploading process. File formats covered are:
Hole depth info
Core loss data
RQD sample data
Fracture sample data
Step 1 & 2 - Navigate to upload page
Step 3 - Upload Data
CSVs can be added to Datarock before the images for that relevant hole have been uploaded but you won’t see the CSVs until images are on the platform. Images are what trigger a new hole ID to appear in the Drill holes list. File types and headers are listed below.
Data QA - Errors
File Formats
Hole Depth File
File name: HoleID_depth.csv
Example File:
File Header | Description |
file_id | always include * in this column |
from | Start of hole (m) |
to | End of hole (m) |
Core Loss File
File name: HoleID_core_loss.csv
Example File:
File Header | Description |
from | Start depth of core loss interval (m) |
to | End depth of core loss interval (m) |
loss | Total core loss (m) |
RQD Sample File
File name: HoleID_sample.csv
Example File:
File Header | Description |
from | Start of interval |
to | End of interval |
rqd_m | Site measured length of coherent rock pieces longer than 100mm |
rqd | Sum of site measured length of coherent rock pieces longer than 100m divided by interval length |
Fracture Sample File
File name: HoleID_sampling_intervals_fractures.csv
Example File:
File Header | Description |
from | Start of interval |
to | End of interval |
fractures | Fracture count for given interval |